What Your Hair Says About You

Everyone should feel good about their hair! It’s now been proven that many internal conditions can actually affect the health of our hair, as it reacts to stress, disease, and other underlying health issues. Take a look at the following article to help you keep your hair and scalp healthy…

How Food Affects Hair Health

Good nutrition builds strong hair, so a healthy diet is essential.

B vitamins create red blood cells which carry nutrients to the scalp and growing hair.

Therefore you need to eat plenty of oats, bananas, vegetables, oily fish, eggs, cheese to name but a few.

Protein rich in iron is vital to prevent hair loss, and is necessary for hair cell growth.

You can choose spinach, asparagus, sprouts and broccoli, alongside lean beef and lamb, clams and oysters!

Multivitamins containing iron are a useful supplement.

citrus fruits

Vitamin C is needed by hair follicles to stay healthy for optimum growth.

The best foods for vitamin C include strawberries, pineapples and grapefruit, blackberries, sprouts, beans and peas.

If you keep to your 5 a day you’ll be covered. Minor deficiencies cause major problems!


How To Measure Hair Health

If you notice small white dots in your hair this is probably a sign that you’ve got split ends.

If you look closer at the crown and there are shorter hairs sticking up, this is an indication of hair breakage.

If you take a strand of hair and drop it into water it’ll float if it’s healthy - damaged hair will absorb the water and sink.

If you run your fingers through your hair it’ll feel rough and brittle if it’s unhealthy. A healthy head of hair will feel smooth and soft.

A dramatic increase in hair loss or sudden changes in hair quality could indicate underlying health problems.

What Your Hair Says About Your Health


A scaly scalp may be dandruff or an increase in the turnover and growth of skin cells which indicates psoriasis.

If you suffer from any autoimmune disorders, you’re more likely to develop this.

A dermatologist will sort out a treatment for you. Psoriasis puts you at increased risk of diabetes and heart disease so you should bear that in mind.

Dry and limp hair can point to an underactive thyroid. The thinning is due to the texture of the hair becoming weaker and finer.

You may also feel tired, cold, and be putting on weight. A simple blood test will provide confirmation, and treatment can be sorted.

Brittle hair that breaks off easily might be due to a disorder of the adrenal glands that causes them to produce excessive cortisol.

This may be related to dry, flaky skin suggesting a lack of fatty acids. A vitamin supplement may be all that’s needed.

Hair falling out in small circular patches is known as alopecia. Diabetes can be a trigger, and this is an autoimmune condition.

You may also lose your eyelashes and eyebrows. Cortisone injections will provide a solution here.

Hair Loss

Hair Loss TreatmentsHair loss and other related issues can occur at virtually any age. Hair loss in men in their 20’s and 30’s is on the increase.

It’s important to deal with any health issues you may have to make treatment easier.

You may just need to adjust your diet or visit your GP to discuss other possible health issues, such as stress, medication and illness.

Hair loss can be hereditary and comes under the heading of male pattern baldness.

Modern replacement technology means you can style your hair normally, and you can run, swim and do everyday activities without any problems, and they last for months!

Head to our website and read all about our effective non-surgical hair replacement systems and be sure to check out our hair replacement systems FAQ.