Surgical V Non-Surgical Hair Replacement

If you have male pattern baldness or a receding hairline, you may want to consider taking advantage of the modern hair replacement systems that are available today. There are two different types – surgical and non-surgical hair replacement. And each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Surgical Or Non-Surgical Hair Replacement For Men? 

Surgical hair loss treatments require donor hairs. These hairs are located in areas of strong growth on your head. The process involves taking the donor hairs and implanting them into the areas on your head where hair loss is evident.  You should be aware that you only have a limited supply of these special hairs.

Consequently, if your first operation doesn’t go well you’ll only have perhaps two more chances – recent studies suggest that if the surgery is performed to the highest possible standard there is an 80% chance of success.

Moreover, after the process has been completed there’ll be a period where you’ll be in pain. There are several different types of non-surgical hair loss treatments. This includes laser therapy and the application of an ultra-thin layer of artificial skin. This article will focus on the latter.

The fake skin looks incredibly realistic and features very strong hairs that can be adapted to your specific colouring and style. The hair piece will be carefully moulded to the bald area of your scalp.

How Effective Is Surgical Hair Replacement?

A surgical hair treatment usually lasts for many years. However, this can be reduced severely if you have the procedure done while you’re in your 20s or early 30s. This is because at this age you’ve not yet finished losing all your hair.

As a result, the hair that’s transplanted into the area where you’re suffering from hair loss could in fact recede itself and leave you needing another operation performed.

A non-surgical hair piece will last for up to 13 weeks if it’s applied by an experienced expert.  It will never need to be removed from your head during this period.

You’ll be able to live your life as normal, and will be to exercise strenuously, shower, play all different kinds of sports, and much more – the artificial skin is designed to be very robust.

What’s more, it will stand up to the closest scrutiny because you can have it dyed your exact shade.

After approximately 13 weeks it can be re-applied. 

How Expensive Are Surgical Hair Replacements?

Surgical treatments are much more expensive than non-surgical procedures. For the highest possible standard of expert help you should expect to pay between £10,000 and £30,000.

Non-surgical procedures will cost you between about £300 and £450.

How Safe Are Surgical Hair Replacements?

Immediately after any surgical hair treatment there is a high risk of infections, and an initial large amount of pain is guaranteed.

Non-surgical hair replacement systems are totally non-invasive and feature no risks whatsoever.

Should I Choose Non-Surgical Hair Replacement?

Your safest bet is a non-surgical treatment because they’re realistically priced, and won’t risk your donor hairs.

It’s recommended that if you’re in your 20’s that you can begin with non-surgical procedures and then move onto surgical ones as you get older and your full hair loss has taken place.

Cochrane & Co Hair Replacement in London Holborn offer cutting edge robust non-surgical hair replacement systems in London that will give you back a full head of hair. Take note, they we are a trusted provider who can give you the full package.