How Long Does Hair Loss Due To Stress Last?

There are three stages of hair growth. The anagen phase that lasts on average about three to five years – when your hair grows around half an inch per month. Then your hair goes into a short transitional period known as the catagen that lasts for about ten days. The final phase is the telogen part when your hair rests and falls out.

Hair loss problems happen when this growth cycle is disrupted and can be triggered by all sorts of conditions. These include hormone changes, genes, poor diet, anxiety, and stress. Emotional stress can lead to the slowing and stunting of a normal growth cycle, and an eventual fallout.

Find Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Can stress cause hair loss?

Yes, it can. Stress stops the hair from growing during the first stage and causes it to lie dormant and shed. With continued stress, the hair will stop growing altogether. This stress may be emotional or can be related to physical stress such as sudden weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, or caused by medication.

How long does hair loss from stress last?

Telogen Effluvium is the most common type of stress-induced hair loss. It causes a thinning on top of the scalp due to abnormal chemical activity. Messages from the nervous system change the growth pattern and cause hair to shed.

This isn’t permanent and your hair will grow back. Once the stressful period is over your hair will get back to normal after about a month and new hair will start to grow.

Why does my hair fall out so much?

Stress causing hair loss is a major reason for hair shedding. A condition known as Alopecia Areata where the white blood cells attack the hair follicles is a response to severe stress and anxiety. Hair falls out leaving round bald patches on the scalp. This condition needs to be treated to prevent it from spreading over the entire scalp.

Are there any other stress-related conditions?

Yes. Stress and anxiety can also be responsible for Trichotillomania – where hair is pulled out by a person with a compulsion to do so. This results in bald patches and again is not irreversible.

What You Can Do

Now you know the possible symptoms and causes for your hair loss you can take positive steps to make changes. Get help with reducing overall stress levels and learn how to cope if levels rise again. If you’re concerned that your hair loss may be due to conditions other than stress you should consult your GP.

Hair Restoration Treatments

There’s no need to suffer in silence. Trusted hair salons with professional stylists understand the need for hair loss treatments that really work. You’ll be able to get advanced, non-surgical hair replacement systems that let you live a completely normal lifestyle.

The system stays in place for up to 13 weeks. The colour and style will be chosen to suit you. And you can swim, shower, and play sports with confidence. You’ll be able to win your battle with hair loss effortlessly.