How To Keep Your Hair System Soft?

The softness of your natural hair is determined by a layer of sebum coating. This secretion from the sebaceous glands keeps your hair hydrated and soft. In a hair replacement system, there will be a small amount of oil on the hair strands. But constant wear and cleaning may take this coating away. See how to keep your hair system soft here…

Developing Technology

Manufacturers are continually aiming to craft hair systems that can be kept softer for a longer period of time. In the future hair systems will be designed to take care of any softness issues. Properties found in naturally growing hair continue to be evident in modern hair replacement systems. With the capability for unlimited styling options.

Maintaining Your Hair System

Wearing a hair system will soon become part of your everyday routine. You’ll learn to regularly moisturise and condition the hair to make sure it stays soft. To help your hair system last longer you should:

  • Gently brush your hair system before you wash it to remove any tangles.
  • Shampoo using a sulphate-free product about two or three times a week.
  • Use sunscreen-based products for extra protection.
  • Condition weekly with a leave-in product to deeply penetrate and moisturise.
  • Pat hair dry with a towel without rubbing.
  • Use a boar-bristle brush for styling without damage.
  • Apply a heat protection spray and use styling tools set at low temperatures.
  • Avoid using gels, waxes, and hair products containing alcohol.
  • We highly recommend you use hair oil or restorative styling oil.
  • In rare cases, hair system adhesive can start failing. Usually, it happens due to improper care or extensive exposure to heat. In this case, you can always mend your hair system back by using a special adhesive or tape.

Keeping Your System Softer for Longer

There are some more tips that will help to keep your hair replacement system soft and these include:

  • No pulling of tangles as this can cause hair to break.
  • Using warm water to wash your hair as a high temperature can cause damage.
  • Not shampooing excessively.
  • Don’t expose hair to chlorinated water on a regular basis.
  • Allow wet hair to dry naturally.
  • After you’ve bonded your system don’t exercise vigorously or go into hot environments for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid clumps and tangles by not leaving your hair system bonded for too long as adhesive can soak through and into the hair.
  • We recommend using a small amount of restorative styling oil in the morning and in the evening.

Perspiration Recommendations

Hair system and sweating may feel like it’s an issue. But any problems can be simply overcome by using the right products. Scalp antiperspirants that are safe and effective ensure that the scalp’s natural oils and perspiration are controlled long enough for bonding adhesive to work.

Sports adhesives can remove any residual sweat. And eliminate the waiting time after applying the bond before taking part in sports activities. Scalp protectors are easy to apply with improved adhesion for oily skin when you’re active.

Sensitive scalps will benefit from scalp fresheners that contain antiseptic properties to clean and refresh. And reduce any irritation caused by the excessive build-up of perspiration.

Get the Best Hair System for You

For a totally natural hair system, you need to consult with our experts – Paul, Grant and Ros. Our trusted consultation team will answer all your questions and decide which hair replacement system suits you best. You’ll be able to choose from a whole range of styles, lengths, densities and colours. And you’ll be given all the advice you need on keeping your hair system soft.