Recovering From Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is defined as an abnormally low activity of the thyroid gland which results in a slowing down of metabolism and among many other symptoms thinning hair. Routine hair shedding when hairs are replaced with new ones is an everyday occurrence but having an autoimmune thyroid disease puts you at a greater risk of excessive hair loss that can advance to baldness.

How long does it take for hair to recover from hypothyroidism? Read on to find out more information…

Hypothyroidism hair loss

Most thyroid-related hair loss is temporary and can be treated, so understanding the difference between normal hair loss and that caused by thyroid conditions is important so that you know if you need to get professional help.

There are three phases of the hair life cycle:

  • Anagen - the growth phase which covers about 90% of the hair on your scalp
  • Catagen - the transition phase when hair rests for about three weeks and involves less than 1% of hairs on your scalp at a time
  • Telogen - when hair prepares to shed, is pushed out of the follicle and falls out which amounts to between 50 and 150 hairs shedding a day which are then replaced by new growth.

Thyroid and hair loss

There are some characteristic patterns of thyroid-related hair loss and these include:

  • Changes in hair texture as hair may become dry or coarse
  • Hair loss across the entire scalp
  • Hair loss that results in smooth, circular bald patches
  • A unique characteristic of hypothyroidism is the loss of hair on the outer edges of your eyebrows

How to help prevent hair loss due to thyroid disorders

Nutrition and stress management can play a fundamental role in hair health. You should:

  • Make sure you’re getting enough protein as this is crucial for strong and healthy hair. Lack of protein will result in restricted hair growth and hair loss. Eat plenty of dairy products, eggs, chicken, and fish.
  • Boost your iron intake as low iron causes low ferritin which encouraged hir growth. Choose a diet rich in lentils, spinach and other leafy green vegetables like broccoli, kale, and salad greens.
  • If you’re experiencing stress issues this can lead to an overload of cortisol and prolonged chronic stress can lead to severe hair loss. Try yoga, mindfulness, and exercising outdoors to help reduce stress levels.

Timelines for re-growth

Your GP will decide on a course of medication that’s appropriate for your thyroid condition after testing if you've been experiencing hair loss. How quickly your hair grows back will depend on the type of medication taken. This may be a few weeks or several months and you may find that the medication itself increases hair loss during the first month of treatment.

Thyroid disease-related hair loss can be hidden with scarves, hats, and hairpieces. Or, you can talk to a professional stylist at Cochrane & Co to learn more about non-surgical hair replacement in London. You’ll get all the advice you need from specialists who know everything about hair loss treatments tailored to suit your individual needs. You'll quickly regain all your confidence and your hair will look fantastic!