How To Know If Your Hair Is Thinning

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It’s quite normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands of hair each day. Without it making any difference to your appearance. When you wash your hair less often more hair is lost as it’s loosened. And it’s usual for hair to change as you age – and become finer.

If you’re concerned that you’re losing more hair than you should there are some signs to look for. Find out more about how to know if your hair is thinning here…

Understanding Your Hair Life Cycle

Each hair strand has a life expectancy of between two and five years. There are three stages within this cycle that cover active growth, transition, and rest.

The growth or Anagen phase can last for two to six years. The transition or Catagen phase lasts for about two weeks. And the resting or Telogen about five to six weeks.

During the rest cycle changing circumstances may cause more hair to fall out – these can include stress, pregnancy, and medical issues.

Hair Loss Causes

When your hair keeps falling out this may be due to:

  • Hereditary conditions – baldness can be passed down through the genes making it more likely for you to have a hair loss problem if your parents did.
  • Physical or mental stress – dehydration and exhaustion cause hair follicles to become undernourished resulting in rapid hair loss.
  • Autoimmune disorders – such as alopecia areata where the immune system attacks the hair follicles by mistake – and hair falls out.
  • Scalp infections – weak roots, thinning, and breakage can be due to fungal, bacterial, and viral infections.
  • Medication – side effects of treatment for a wide range of illnesses can be responsible for extreme hair fall.
  • Iron deficiency – hair loss can result from a red blood cell deficiency when insufficient iron levels affect hair growth.

Hair Loss Signs

There are basically five warning signs to watch out for and that may need treatment:

  • Bald patches – concentrated hair loss in one spot is indicative of alopecia areata.
  • Hair shedding in clumps – suggesting hair thinning.
  • A feeling of fineness – when styling your hair, it has less volume.
  • Scalp visibility – if you can see your scalp thorough your hair this points to thinning.
  • Hair feels lighter – an early indication noticed when combing.

Reduce Hair Loss

How to reduce hair loss starts with getting the right diagnosis. How to stop my hair from falling out and thinning can be addressed by:

  • Using a wide-toothed comb
  • Letting hair dry naturally
  • Choosing hair products that are sulphate, silicone, and paraben-free
  • Washing your hair less often
  • Keeping the temperature of styling tools to a minimum
  • Avoiding tight hairstyles
  • Ensuring your scalp is healthy
  • Regularly exercising
  • Eating a balanced diet

Hair Loss Solutions

Pay a visit to Cochrane & Co’s London hair salon for a consultation. Here you’ll get specialist help with hair replacement, hair restoration, and hair loss treatments. Anti-fall hair products containing natural ingredients can help strengthen and nourish the roots and stimulate hair growth. And help stop hair fall.

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