Hair plays a huge part in our self-esteem, and a good hair day is a simple solution to our desire to look good and feel great at any age. Losing your hair? Don’t panic! Here are some tips about handling the idea of going bald.
Reasons for hair loss
- Hair loss can be caused by serious illness and immune disorders, as well as medications such as antidepressants, and side effects from other prescription drugs
- Stress causes the hair follicles to be starved of oxygen, vitamins, and minerals and is often a major cause of hair thinning
- If your diet is poor and lacking in protein, vitamin C, zinc and iron your hair will suffer as when these essential nutrients are prevented from getting to the follicles, hair strands become unhealthy
- Hair loss is experienced during pregnancy and the menopause, due to hormone imbalances and fluctuations
- Pressure can be put on the hair follicles by the wearing of tight braids and headbands which can cause traction Alopecia
- Using a setting that’s too high on your hairdryer and curling tongs can also be a factor!
What You Can Do
- If you can’t accept your hair loss for whatever reasons, there are positive things you can do:
- Take a look at your family hair loss history as hair loss genes can be inherited, and try to put this into perspective
- Visit your GP and ask for dietary advice – a simple adjustment of more fruit and vegetables will provide many of the nutrients needed
- Monitor your hair loss when taking medication and call your doctor to consider changing your prescription
- Take extra care in choosing the right temperature for your styling tools, and give elastic ties a rest
- If hair loss is stress-related try taking a vitamin B supplement that gives hair a boost
- Try to avoid becoming obsessed and depressed over your hair loss, and see a specialist for support
- Review treatment options which include hair transplants and new hair replacement systems – see below
- Make a plan to determine what treatment you’ll go for and how to maintain your new look
Hair replacement systems
You can now have effective non-surgical hair replacement treatments designed especially for you if you’re struggling with hair loss. Advanced hair replacement products use a membrane base with real human hair to get lifelike results.
You’ll be able to keep to your usual active lifestyle and style your hair just the way you want it. You can swim, shower, and play sports with confidence, and your system will stay in place for about 13 weeks. Get in touch with your local hair systems salon for all the help, advice, and support you need.