During warmer months hair systems can suffer from many issues such as sweating, drying, tangling, and even breakage. Take a look at some common problems and how you can give the proper summer care and maintenance to your hair replacement system.
Preventing colour fading: harmful UV rays from the sun can cause hair to turn red or orange! This is called oxidation and can affect the natural appearance you get from your hair replacement. You can easily buy a range of shampoos, conditioners, and treatments designed to protect your hair from harmful rays, and you may want to consider wearing a hat or cap for extra safety.
Stopping odour and itching: during hot days sweat and oils can accumulate under your hair system, causing an unpleasant smell and an itchy scalp. You should deep clean your scalp with an exfoliant shampoo to remove residues, use cleansers and sprays containing tea tree oil, and use an enzyme spray to eliminate bacteria just like you would on your skin.
Loosening of the hair system: excess oils released from your scalp may cause the bond to break down and the base of your hair replacement system may loosen. Try to stay cool and try using the cool setting on your hairdryer to cool down and dry your scalp. Use products specifically designed for this such as scalp anti-perspirant, and scalp protector.
Keeping hair soft: constant wearing and cleaning of your hair replacement system will remove traces of sebum, which keeps hair hydrated, strong, and soft. If possible try using leave-in conditioners, condition more often, air dry your hair instead of blow-drying, and use hair products that contain sunscreen.
Drying out: swimming in chlorinated pools and in the sea can cause your hair system to dry out and sometimes become like straw. You can take preventative actions like wetting hair prior to going swimming, and applying a leave-in conditioner. Shampoo and condition immediately after swimming, and apply a deep conditioning and restoration treatment.
And finally…
All the above problems can be avoided by taking the right care. If you get severe problems you should book an appointment with your non-surgical hair replacement London specialist. You’ll get special attention from professionals who understand the need for you to look and feel immaculate whatever the weather! For advice on summer care and maintenance tips you only have to ask – your hair replacement London expert will guide you through.