Why Baldness Doesn’t Matter

Going bald doesn’t matter. There. It’s out there now. And we’re not taking it back…

But for many people, the prospect of losing their hair feels like it does matter. A lot. Because of a combination of the perception of what ‘society’ will think and personal dread, going bald can be a huge life hurdle to overcome.

Insecurity. Loss of confidence. The feeling that people are judging you. Judging you in fact, for something that is entirely natural. And in almost all cases, something that’s completely outside of your control.

For instance the most common cause of a man losing his hair, male pattern baldness, is simply the result of a gene that 4 out of 5 men carry. As a genetic condition, nothing can currently be done about it. Even if you are incredibly fit and healthy, even if you eat well, even if you exercise regularly, if you’ve got the gene, you will notice gradual hair loss at some point in your life.

But wait a second…

Taking Care of Business

baldness doesnt matterYou’re fit and healthy. You eat well. You exercise regularly. And you dress snappily too.

So why does losing your hair matter? If it’s a case of other people finding you attractive, recent surveys suggest that the stereotypical idea that bald men are less sexy simply doesn’t hold true.

So there’s no need to wear a hat all the time. There’s no need to think about expensive surgeries or other fake “cures for baldness”. And there’s definitely no need for a comb-over!

In fact, there’s one easy way to deal with going bald:

Don’t give it a second thought. Focus on the things you can control.

But if you are worried about losing your hair, here’s some food for thought…

Hair Loss and Ageing

Hair loss is a natural part of growing older for many people. Male pattern baldness can affect people from a much younger age, but it’s this link with ageing – which is traditionally judged to make a person frailer and weaker – that’s at least partially responsible for how modern society treats people suffering from hair loss.

Hair Loss in Modern Society

man-promoModern society is scarily appearance-obsessed. Disgusting trends like “fat shaming”, impossible ideals suggested by health and beauty magazines aimed at both men and women, and the media’s obsession with the physical appearance of celebrities all contribute to the value each of us places on our looks.

While men with proudly shaven heads are generally seen as more dynamic than their counterparts, men with thinning hair are sometimes – stereotypically – perceived as less “manly.”

Women who are unhappy with their hair, or in fact any aspect of their appearance, are encouraged by society to change it. Men who, for example, try to fight the ageing process with hair dye, are generally “marked down” by society. It’s a ridiculous double standard – especially with the increasing proliferation of unrealistic beauty standards for men in the media too.

But if there’s one thing to take away from this, it’s this:

Trying to hide something society perceives of as “a problem” simply draws attention to it. If you’re going bald, be bald and proud.

The Attitude of Friends and Family

The big concern in the minds of many people struggling with losing their hair is “will my friends and relatives treat me differently?”

The answer, of course, is no. The only concern that your real nearest and dearest are going to have is in regard to your happiness. It’s often from our family that we draw the strength to get through difficult times. Coping with hair loss is no exception.
Family support
Friends can also be a source of support. Depending, of course, on how your friendship group interacts with one another…

“Friendly” Jibes

In most modern male social groups, even good natured ones, teasing and “banter” have a tendency to be par for the course. It’s seen as acceptable to tease “baldy” or “chrome dome”, regardless of the fact that for the individual, this may have gone beyond the level of banter and into the realm of hurtful.

Real friends will stop if you tell them you’re actually struggling with a situation. Other acquaintances might not. There’s one important thing to remember here though:

Approximately 80% of men will be affected by male pattern baldness at some point in their lives. Odds on, anyone throwing any kind of jibe at a person with thinning hair is soon going to experience the same thing themselves.
It’ll then be down to you to extend to them the sort of compassion and understanding which you wish they’d shown you.

How to Cope With Hair Loss

If you’re struggling to cope with thinning hair, often the most difficult thing to come to terms with is that this is simply a fact of life. It has not changed anything about you as a person. It’s how you choose to deal with it that matters.
Cope With Hair Loss
Just think of all the bald men – in movies, in sports, in business – who haven’t let going bald limit their success. Jason Statham, Andre Agassi, Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis, Zinedine Zidane… The list goes on.

Many companies have been set up to try and exploit balding men by promising their 100%-guaranteed, no-fail hair loss cure. Don’t be fooled though.

While there are several effective hair replacement systems available, there is no cure for hair loss.
But there is one effective treatment.

Focus on the things you can control. Be bald. Be proud.

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