Do Hair Systems Damage Your Hair?

natural hair pieces at cochrane co hair replacement london

Men’s hair replacement systems are designed to give men back their confidence and lust for life. They’re there to make you feel comfortable in your own skin and enable you to enjoy life to the fullest. With this in mind, many ask the common question of whether hair systems damage existing hair. The short answer is “no”, but it will depend on the maintenance and care that you exercise when looking after your hairpiece. It’s also important to distinguish between the various types of hair systems that you have the option to choose from and what each one of them means for you. Let’s dive right in.

Common hair system types

The first and most obvious hair system that one may think of is a wig. This is a heavy batch of hair that’s applied straight to the scalp and head and completely covers them. But contrary to popular belief, wigs are not non-surgical hair replacement systems. There are crucial differences. For example, wigs are attached quite loosely to the head and can come off easily when washed, brushed, or even when there’s a greater gust of wind sweeping by. Natural and non-surgical hair replacement systems, on the other hand, can be attached to one’s head and scalp through hard or soft bonding, clipping or weaving. Each of these methods is characterised by different features and significantly differs from wearing a wig. 

With that being said, if you are looking for hair systems in London and you are unsure of whether they will damage your existing hair, we conclude with an answer in the negative. However, while your existing hair will continue to grow, there are some best practices you can follow to ensure that both your hair system and your natural hair are as well taken care of as possible. Some tips to consider in this regard include the following:

Reduce and minimise the use of heat styling tools

 With the cold winter arriving every year, we will be tempted to use heat styling tools to ensure our hair dries quicker and is styled in place well. This necessarily means using hair dryers as well as styling tools such as curling irons or hair straighteners. In order to minimise the damage to your hair and to your hair system, the use of these tools should be kept to a minimum. One of the reasons for this is that if you have a hard or soft bonded hair system that’s attached to your scalp, the heat of these tools could soften and adhesive, leaving you with a much less stronger attachment and bonding to your hair.

Engage in regular maintenance

 A further tip to keep in mind to ensure that your hair system doesn’t damage your hair and that it’s kept in great condition is to ensure regular maintenance. This means washing your hair and hair system around twice a week, as well as using the right shampoos and conditioners for your hair and hair system type. 

Choose the right system for your head shape and hair type

 The last point of advice to consider to prevent any damage to your hair is to choose the right hair system for your head shape and hair type right from the beginning. There is no one solution that will work the same for different individuals. Each person has their own length, hair type, style colour, oiliness/dryness, thickness/thickness, etc. Therefore, your chosen hair system should be perfectly suited to your unique hair needs and once selected, it should be regularly maintained using the tips mentioned above. 

Your ideal partner for non-surgical hair replacement in London

 Choosing a hair system that perfectly meets your needs can be a difficult step to take, not to mention a delicate matter. At Cochrane & Co, you can always rely on us to take care of your non-surgical hair replacement needs with discretion, professionalism and utmost care. We’ll attempt to answer any questions you may have and ensure that the hair system you choose meets your needs and lifestyle best. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information . We’re just a phone call away!

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